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Student Leadership Team

Welcome to our Senior Student Leadership Team

Chanell, Head Girl

Hello everyone and welcome back to a new academic year at Notre Dame. It is still very early into the new year and with all these new changes, many are still adjusting to them, including me. If you do not know me, my name is Chanell Pennant and I am proud to call myself this year’s Head Girl. When I was in year 7, I knew I wanted a role where I could lead and be a role model for others, and by the time I had got to year 10 and heard more and more about SSLT, I was almost certain that these roles would suit me perfectly. When I applied, I knew there was a lot of competition between me and many others and I became unsure about what role I could potentially get. However, I trusted that I would get the role that suited me well - and I did!

I had many interactions with the previous head girls and I saw how seriously they took their role and how dedicated they were. They represented exactly what a leader looks like and they inspired me to perform better than I already had. I am very grateful and thankful to have been chosen for this role. I promise to commit to my peers, teachers and to the whole school community.

Year 7s, I really hope that you feel welcomed and I know that you will eventually settle in perfectly, if you have not already. You are all amazing young girls who are going to prosper in your journey here at Notre Dame. Do not be afraid to talk to me or the other SSLT members or your appointed Big Sisters. Whilst you are here, try and join a club or a committee and try new things, including some of the new lunchtime sports clubs run by our amazing P.E. teachers.

To my fellow year 11s, we move closer and closer to the first set of mock exams and as the pressure rises, continue to believe that your dedication will truly pay off in the long run.

With such a confident and reliable SSLT, we will strive to be a supportive and engaging team who will ensure a positive and comfortable environment for all I wish everyone a wonderful and prosperous year ahead with many adventures and opportunities to come.

Faith, Assistant Head Girl

My journey in Notre Dame has been interesting. I got to interact with other students and teachers, which helped my confidence. Throughout my 5 years at Notre Dame, I got support from others. Many opportunities have been given to us and a lot of help has been given to students, especially helping us navigate what we want to do in the future, from teachers' advice to career fairs to visiting universities. It has all been a great experience. At our school, you are able to find friends as you go along and also to have Big Sisters to help you. My Big Sister really supported me when I was still finding my way in this school and just having that person to help me was really good. Notre Dame has prepared me for my future and I am very grateful to the Notre Dame Community.  I hope you will also make the most of your time here.

Amirah, Assistant Head Girl

I am honoured and pleased to be representing Notre Dame Catholic Girls' School as Assistant Head Girl. I will relish this opportunity to become a role model, and I feel blessed with the grace to live up to this role.

When I came into Notre Dame Catholic Girls’ School it was new experience as it was my first time attending a single gender school. I was looking forward to starting a new journey. But, I was worried starting in year 9 would not really show my impact but I was wrong. I was inspired by every student and determined to work hard, keep a great account of myself and make a difference in a unique and positive way.

Despite only joining the school in 2023, I was able to adapt quickly because everyone made me feel so welcome and I felt I was just like everyone else; it felt like I had always been here demonstrating my leadership skills. I wanted to pay it forward so I applied for SSLT but was also nervous for the outcome, then I remembered one of my favourite quotes: "Whatever you believe you can achieve". Our previous SSLT had great impact on the school and I was inspired. I was hoping that I would be a potential candidate for the role because I wanted to be a confident and impactful leader.

As your Assistant Head Girl, I aim to develop other skills needed for the role. I am always determined to give the best of myself, to ensure that every student feels important, know they can also be in this position if they work hard, and show what they can bring to society. I want to make an impact on everyone because there I want all pupils to shine.

I am willing to listen to every student in need of help whether building their confidence or achieving academic goals. I am here to be a helping hand to everyone and understand the need of every student - and most importantly fostering an environment where every girl feels safe, considered and heard.

As your first Islamic student to be a part of SSLT, I hope this shows every student in the school that there is a chance for everyone that works hard, shows commitment and stands out in the best way possible. 

Jamaya, Extended Senior Student Leadership Team

Over the past five years, I am proud to say that Notre Dame has shaped me into the confident, intelligent, and self-assured young woman I am today. The journey has been rewarding every step of the way, and I couldn't be more grateful to the school for countless reasons:

The teachers at Notre Dame are truly exceptional. They are passionate about their work and deeply care about our education, always encouraging us to push beyond our limits and expecting the best from us.

I also can’t go without highlighting the school’s excellent facilities. The library is not only stocked with computers for study, but also offers a diverse collection of books across genres, inspiring every student to explore, read, and gain valuable knowledge. 

The gymnasium, used for physical education and a variety of after-school and lunchtime sports clubs, provides a great way for us to connect with peers and take a break from the classroom setting.

The sense of community at Notre Dame is something words can't fully capture. There's a unique and universal bond between students, staff and teachers that fosters a deep sense of belonging.

In every way, Notre Dame is a true community, and I couldn’t have asked for a better school to guide me through these past years.

Alison, Sports Captain

My journey here at Notre Dame has given me many opportunities to explore and navigate my future for when I leave secondary education. When I first joined this school, I was a bright and optimistic young girl with a brain full of ideas. With both the good and the bad days, my teachers were a constant support system which I never took for granted.

My passion here at Notre Dame is Athletics and being part of the sports department has provided me with so many once in a life time opportunity. I’ve used it as a platform to release my mind from any academic stress. Through the help of the endless motivation and encouragement from my sister and the Notre Dame community, I was able to represent London and English Schools Competition for 100m.

As my journey begins to slowly draw to an end, I smile. I will forever be grateful for the many doors that this school has opened for me; it’s allowed me to be optimistic, never give up and truly believe that a dream is never too big to turn into reality.