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Section 48 Denominational Inspection

As a Catholic school we are required to undergo a Section 48 Denominational Inspection in addition to Ofsted inspections.

The Section 48 Inspection looks at the "denominational religious education and the content of collective worship" at the school to determine their effectiveness. Our most recent Section 48 Inspection took place in May 2019 and we are pleased to announce that we were deemed "OUTSTANDING" in every area. 

Inspectors noted:

  • Notre Dame provides an excellent integral holistic contemporary Catholic education in the tradition of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur that enables its students to grow and flourish. 
  • The Headteacher provides outstanding Catholic leadership of a school where staff are excellent role models for students. 
  • Students make excellent progress in Religious Education and become religiously literate as a result of outstanding teaching and their own positive attitudes to learning.
  • The school provides outstanding pastoral care and supports its members as each grows in their own faith and belief .

The Director of Education for the Catholic Diocese of Southwark, Dr. Simon Hughes, also sent his congratulations for the outstanding report, saying:

It has been a joy to read the report following your recent Denominational Inspection. There were so many positive comments made about the school and the work of your team. I am delighted that the leadership provided by you and your team is ensuring that Notre Dame Girls School continues to be an example of outstanding practice in Catholic education.

The inspection team were impressed by so much of the life of the school. I was particularly interested to read about the ways that the girls take a lead in supporting each other and working to help the wider community. It is not surprising, therefore, to also read about the high value their parents give to the work of the school.

Please see below for a full version of the report and the accompanying letter from the Director of Education :

Section 48 Report 2019 Section 48 Letter from the Director of Education 2019