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Media Studies


We aim to make our students media literate - analysts and creators rather than mere consumers! Through the study of a range of media texts, students can become more discerning and critical of their day to day exposure to the media. 

The curriculum is designed in order to encourage critical evaluation skills and personal approaches to a variety of texts- within the study of these close study products (CSPs), students will be prompted to consider their own experience and approach to the media industry and analytically consider the role that it plays in their own lives


To ensure that all students successfully master the broad and wide-ranging bank of technical language, theories and concepts within media, formative assessment will take place for students in the form of frequent home learning tasks that will reinforce the skills and knowledge of the particular unit. At the completion of each unit of work, students will complete written assessments which are based on exam questions.  

The Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) allows students to plan, design and create their own media text in response to a brief. This allows students to demonstrate the skills and understanding they have developed across the course.

Through the inclusion of such a varied, diverse range of close study products – students are given a sense of the huge range of careers involved in an innovative, ever-changing media industry and will consequently be able to consider this as a potential option for their further study. By offering the students opportunities to engage with this diverse curriculum, in addition to allowing them to practise and hone their technical ability with a practical project, it is hoped that students will feel confident and excited at the prospect of continuing their media study at A Level and BTEC at Sixth Form and beyond.


Texts examined

Question types/task

Media One

1 hour 30 minutes

84 marks

35% of GCSE

Section A will focus on Media Language and Media Representations. Questions in this section can test any two of the following forms:

·         magazines

·         advertising and marketing

·         newspapers

·         online, social and participatory media and video games.

·         A range of questions relating to an unseen source and Close Study Products.

·         An extended response question (20 marks).


Section B will focus on Media Industries and Media Audiences. Questions in this section can test any two of the following forms:

·         radio

·         music videos

·         newspapers

·         online, social and participatory media and video games

·         film

Media Two

1 hour 30 minutes

84 marks

35% of GCSE

Section A will be based on a screening from an extract of one of the television Close Study Products and can test any area of the theoretical framework.

·         Short, medium and extended response questions assessing depth of knowledge and understanding of the course.

Section B will be based on either newspapers or online, social and participatory media and video games and can test any area of the framework.

Non-Exam Assessment

60 marks

30% of GCSE


Based on an annually changing set of briefs produced by AQA

What's assessed:

·         Application of knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework.

·         Ability to create media products.

Students produce a statement of intent and a media product for an intended audience (as specified by the exam board).


Useful Links

AQA GCSE Media Studies (exam board)


BBC Bitesize GCSE Media Studies 


Seneca Learning Media Studies revision and assessment - https://app.senecalearning.com/dashboard/courses/add?Price=Free&Subject=Media+Studies 


Ms C Zwies
Subject leader for Media Studies