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Health & Social Care


Practical skills learned in the subject areas will be applied in students daily lives as well as their future.

Cambridge National Health & Social Care

The course consists of two units of work. Students will obtain Pass; Merit or Distinction at level 1 or 2 at the end of this course.

Unit RO21 - Essential Values of care for use with individuals in care settings

RO21 It is an externally assessed unit, as a written exam paper.

  • How to support individuals to maintain their rights.
  • The importance of the values of care and how they are applied.
  • How legislation impacts on care settings.
  • How personal hygiene, safety and security measures protect individuals.

Unit RO22 – Communicating and working with individuals in Health, Social Care and Early years settings

RO22 It is an internally assessed unit and involves producing a portfolio of evidence that meet assessment criteria.

  • How to communicate effectively.
  • The personal qualities that contribute to effective care.
  • Be able to communicate effectively within a health, social care and early years setting.