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Careers Programme

Our ambitious careers programme aims to empower students with the relevant skills, knowledge, and opportunities they need to progress to the next stage of their education whilst creating promising and fulfilling futures for themselves.

Whether saving lives on the operating table, developing the next vaccine, debating in the high court, setting up a soon-to-be thriving business, writing a best-selling book or teaching the next generation, our students have ambitions as varied as their talents. We therefore make it our mission to encourage each individual to become whatever they want to be.

Students throughout the school receive tailored support and guidance as well as access to a wide range of projects and initiatives through our partnerships with sixth forms, universities and employers. From the King’s Scholars Programme to our unique mentoring scheme and careers fairs to PSHE lessons, we provide students with the opportunities to encounter the world of work and further/higher education.

Careers Lead

To contact our careers lead, Sylvie Hrouda, please contact: office@notredameschool.co.uk or call 020 7261 1121.