A welcome to
Girls' School
"What the teacher is is more important than what she does and what she knows" - St. Julie Billiart
We are proud to be part of a family of schools in a multi-academy Trust, SELCAT, and all the benefits that brings to our students, staff and families. We are a dynamic school where our young women impress us every day with their kindness, grace and spirit allowing them to flourish into mature, confident and responsible global citizens.
Come and meet our inspiring young women and be part of our ambitious future.
Ms B Byrne
Head Teacher
If you would like to arrange a visit of the the school, please email us at: office@notredameschool.co.uk
Our Curriculum
As a Catholic School, the Curriculum at Notre Dame is inspired by the teachings of the Gospel, taking into account the requirements of the Department For Education, Local Authority, and the Catholic Diocese of Southwark.
- Art
Qualification Lead : Ms. M. Nuremburger
At Notre Dame we take the subject of Art and Design very seriously, delivering high-quality art education that engages, inspires and challenges students to think for themselves. We have created a comprehensive programme of study so the girls can build on their creative skills and have confidence to respond visually to their immediate environment and the wider world in which we live.
- Design & Technology
Head of Department:
Design and technology is taught to all pupils in year 7 to 9. Pupils work in each material area on a rotation basis.
At the end of key stage 3; pupils are able to opt for various subjects to study at GCSE and other level 2 qualifications; these include Food preparation and Nutrition and Textiles technology. Cambridge National Awards in Health & Social Care and Child development are also taught in the department. - English
Heads of Department: Ms. C. Zwies and Mr. P. Charalambos
The Notre Dame English department is one of the most successful in the school. Our English teachers are passionate about the subject and deliver it in an interactive and exciting way.
All pupils study a varied curriculum at Key Stage Three. In each year pupils study a minimum of one novel, one play, a selection of poetry, a Shakespeare text, non-fiction and media texts as well as engaging in group and drama focused activities throughout the course.
We follow the AQA Syllabus, Specification A. The curriculum enables pupils to study texts from the English Literary Heritage as well as modern texts and both twentieth century poetry and pre-nineteenth century poetry. All pupils are entered for GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature. - Geography
Qualifiaction Lead: Ms. S. Zoundi
The Geography department at Notre Dame is very successful, combining a track record of consistently excellent exam results, with numerous fieldwork opportunities and an emphasis on the student’s wider role as a citizen.
As far as possible an enquiry- based approach to learning is encouraged. Geography lessons throughout the school facilitate the development of a wide variety of transferable skills, including questioning, group work, decision making, listening, debating, empathy and problem solving. - History
Head of Department: Ms. H. Wallace
The History department aims for students to enjoy learning, to be engaged in finding out about the past and to become independent learners through developing inquiring minds.
History helps students develop a range of skills including the ability to understand that previously acquired knowledge is not always accurate. Students will develop questioning skills, learn how to critically analyse evidence to reach conclusions, but also understand that there are not always answers to every question. - ICT & computing
ICT & Computing
Department Lead: Ms. M. Shasanya
In KS3 students will cover a range of topics that will help to develop their ICT skills and introduce them to computing concepts.Students are introduced to computing through a clear framework of lessons that reflects the new computing programmes of study.
We currently offer two courses at Key Stage 4, catering to a wide range of student interests and learning preferences:
Creative IMedia assesses the application of creative media skills through their practical use.
Information Technologies teaches the learner what different technologies could be used, why they should use them and how to make best use of them, to gather, store, manipulate and present data.
- Languages
Head of Department: Ms. M. Hornby
At Notre Dame, we are proud to have Languages playing an important role in the school.
Amongst our school community we speak many different languages and students in our department study French, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Latin. Native speakers can also sit exams in Polish, Italian and Russian.
The MFL department is constantly refreshing their resources and we are currently writing new SoW for year 7 in line with research in cognitive science and second language acquisition to enhance the learning of our students and their memory rates. - Maths
Head of Department: Mr. S. Singh
Mathematics is a creative and inter-connected discipline that has developed over the course of history.
It is essential to everyday life as well most forms of employment.
At Notre Dame we aim to provide high quality mathematics education that provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
We work with various subjects enhancing the use of Mathematics across the curriculum. We also run various after school classes to both push our students to achieve the best they can in GCSE but also to increase the enjoyment of the subject across the Key Stages. - Performing Arts
Qualification Lead: Ms Tyson Banks
The Performing Arts Department at Notre Dame is comprised of both music and drama.
The Music Department at Notre Dame is a very busy place! Alongside lessons for Years 7 - 9 and the GCSE (OCR) course, we have individual lessons available after school from visiting teachers for girls who wish to have tuition in Singing, Violin, Guitar, Trumpet, Drum kit and Piano.
Within the Drama Department students explore a variety of drama techniques, including physical theatre skills whilst also exploring characters and themes from classic and contemporary texts. - Physical Education
Physical Education
Head of Department: Ms. E. Sanderson
Our aim in the PE department is to actively engage our pupils to develop their full potential through a range of purposeful, yet enjoyable activities within a challenging and productive environment.
We want pupils to learn and improve where participation and achievement is measured, monitored and celebrated. - Religious Education
Religious Education
Head of Department: Miss. S. Tragheim
The RE department has a pivotal role in the school, providing not only preparation for examinations, but also spiritual support for staff and students.
Our students are on a journey of faith and it is the privilege of the RE Department to accompany them on this journey. - Science
Head of Department:
Welcome to the Notre Dame Science department where pupils are inspired to ask questions about the world around them and to investigate how science works.
At KS3 and KS4, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught together by specialist teaching staff in purpose built laboratories.
At KS3 all pupils follow the AQA specification which has been designed specifically to give pupils the best platform from which to start their KS4 science education.
In year 10 pupils can either decide to follow the AQA combined science trilogy pathway which will lead to 2 GCSE’s or they decide to follow the 3 separate sciences pathway which leads to a GCSE in Biology, Chemistry and Physics separately.
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